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My cranium’s bigger than yours, poetry, vinyl, and a hawk for today’s #postvember

  1. Yesterday I almost got hit by a hawk that “stopped” in mid air to avoid a head on collision it seriously was this close.
  2. Measured my head and it is officially 25.5 inches around.
  3. Do you know anyone with a bigger head than mine?
  4. If so, pix will prove it and I’ll be happy cause I have NEVER met someone with a bigger noggin than mine – please release me from this solitary huge head club.
  5. Bought several albums today at an antique mall – will update later, but key purchases included: The Cars’ Heartbeat City, Willie Nelson 4 LP Greatest Hits, and Bangles’ Different Light.
  6. Was happy to be a part of a long shout out (that continues) on twitter surrounding #worldkindnessday which basically just spread around some love to many of the thoughtful people I have met online over the past several years.
  7. For some reason having a Grace Zabriskie & David Lynch photo as my desktop background has made me feel inspired and weird in all the best ways.
  8. Once I find them, a bunch of my old colour pencils will be upscaled thusly.
  9. Excited to be back in and engage there a bit again – I’m daniellynds if you’re over in there.
  10. Was lucky enough to be part of a presentation/performance by Laif Bolat – it was great and I summoned up the courage to actually read a poem called “What of it?”
  11. Today reminded me that I love reading poetry aloud – will need to do more of that action ASAP.



Published inALLmusicpostvember17

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