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Mitski, podcasts, bracelets, and pecan pie make today’s #postvember17

  1. Had a few interesting moments at work today – am excited for a meeting with some peeps tomorrow to talk about possible alternative textbook projects.
  2. Listened to the 99% invisible podcast episode about Ponte City Tower and was (again) inspired to go to South Africa – I hope I can some day.
  3. Going to hunt down a film shot entirely in the Ponte City Tower elevators in the 90s that was mentioned in the podcast.
  4. I really need to get back to making protest bracelets – they gave me a type of meditative practice that i really need right now.
  5. Listened to the Cars Heartbeat City last night and enjoyed the “filler” tracks.
  6. Listening to “A Different Light” right now by the Bangles and am not as fond of their filler tracks.
  7. Was looking through the notes app on my phone and realize that most of the stuff I consider notes are actually short story and poem ideas – and shopping lists.
  8. Looking forward to Thanksgiving next week – going to make another (or hopefully several) Dark chocolate bourbon pecan pie(s).
  9. About to start going through all of my old pre-digital photos and know there are a lot of photos of abandoned tech (a la the featured pic for this post).
  10. Really excited that I get to see my brother Al in a couple weeks when I go to Vancouver for a long weekend.
  11. You should listen to Mitski’s album “puberty 2” – and related – I think I’m going to start blogging once a week about a vinyl album we have.
Published inALLpodcastpostvember17resistvintage

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