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Downie, dataviz, data4democracy, and the Bon for #postvember #dailydan

  1. Pretty awesome that Keegan Long Wheeler jumped into the #postvember mix with a post on 11-11.
  2. In addition to the convo Keegan, John, and Kin and I had last week, Tim Clarke is going to adapt teh jigz up as well.
  3. Bonnie Stewart presented at Davidson last Friday on how to use social media while teaching and mentioned a piece I wrote a while back about the Five Stages of Twitter.
  4. Before coming to Davidson, Bonnie was attending TriangleSCI, which she said was a wonderful event with cool people – I’m hoping to attend somehow next year.
  5. For the #TriangleSCI live twitter chat I made a #dataviz using socioviz.
  6. Have listened to Introduce Yerself many times over the last week and I must say that it really is an excellent set of songs.
  7. Its not really an album, though, its more like a long meditation on life and friends and families and love and trust and pain and all of the things you go through in life.
  8. Listening to the textures and lyrics really makes me think about how many people we meet in our lives and how we end up engaging with the people we meet.
  9. If you have the time, I highly recommend taking the time to listen uninterrupted to the whole album and just really take it in.
  10. My work at HybridPedagogy is awesome – I am helping to edit two new pieces in the coming weeks.
  11. Finally got around to joining Data for Democracy today :)
Published inALLnorthcarolinapostvember17

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