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how i will hopefully write myself out of a slump this #postvember

  1. This is the first daily post of my own self-imposed-get-me-out-of-a-funk-postvember: 11 sentences everyday that take spatterings from things around me and present them as possible drafts/posts for the future – I got the idea from #ds106 daily create, #digiwrimo, #novowrimo, among other things, and I just need to get stuff out there so there isn’t so much trouncing around inside.
  2. Our world is aflame with controversy, creativity, technology, travesty, aggressivity, and wormholes of reality – my world is complex and full of many of these things, although for the most part it is a privileged, safe, and fun place to be.
  3. I have muzzled myself a lot lately for many reasons, one of the main ones being that my niece died last month and I have been tense/sad/worried about the repercussions of her passing.
  4. I presented at two pretty interesting conferences over the past couple months and had a chance to reconnect with old friends/haunts in London and hang out for the first time in Hermosa Beach in LA (conference was in anaheim) with two incredibly engaging, fun, and smart people.
  5. We moved into our new house in Charlotte over a month a go and it has been a draining and rewarding experience AND I was Lurch at our halloween/house-warming party.
  6. We have listened to several cool podcasts during our commute (am: Charlotte → Davidson, pm: Davidson → Charlotte) which I will talk about in later posts.
  7. My blog series where I reported every 33 days of my time at Davidson College ended (for now) after just 2 installments because of points 2-5 above.
  8. #336699 will return at some point, or not…
  9. This time of year always reminds me of my mom – her birthday was halloween.
  10. My playlist has mostly contained Mitski lately.
  11. Top reading(s) of the past few months: Leonora Carrington
Published inALLpostvember17


  1. I’m supper pumped about this. Can’t wait to see what all surfaces here. :)

  2. daniellynds daniellynds

    Thanks a lot @Keegan ;) There’s a new one coming soon!

  3. […] Lynds is posting “11 sentences everyday that take spatterings from things around [him]” during the month of November and I wanted to write one because I like the idea and it looked […]

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